Identify a variety of ancient and contemporary philosophers

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Reference no: EM132380483

Question: Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice in identifying metaphysical questions (Identify and apply a variety of epistemological, metaphysical and ethical theory), differentiating between a rhetorically good argument and a rationally good one (Understand the difference between a rhetorically good argument and a rationally good argument), and being able to reconstruct arguments given by philosophers (Identify, reconstruct and evaluation arguments posed by philosophers) and to have you think about the philosophers which we have read and talked about (Socrates, Nagel)(Identify a variety of ancient, modern and/or contemporary philosophers).

Task: Tim Crane in "The Mind-Body Problem" gives many different stances regarding the problem and their own problems. Choose one of those pairs (the stance and its problem), explain to me both and tell me why you think it is a problem or not a problem.

Reference no: EM132380483

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