HRM304 Coaching and Mentoring - Assignment Problem

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Reference no: EM132409360 , Length: word count : 3000

HRM304 Coaching and Mentoring, Kaplan Business School, Australia

Assessment Title - Problem Analysis and Coaching Proposal

Your Task

You will provide a problem analysis and coaching proposal for the fictional company, Bondi Brewing Co.

The problem analysis (Part A) will address the organisational issues. Provide a critical analysis of the issues facing Bondi Brewing Company and the challenges they will be likely to experience through the restructure of the business.

In the coaching proposal (Part B), discuss the structure, frameworks and benefits of your coaching proposal to the organisation and its employees as individuals.

Assessment Description

• Part A: Provide a problem analysis addressing Bondi Brewing Co’s situation and challenges.

• Part B: Provide a coaching proposal to the CEO and Bondi Brewing Co Board to support the organisation as it moves through its challenges.

• Cover page

• Introduction

• Analysis

• Summary

• Reference List

• Learning outcomes 1 and 4.

Note:  You only need to do only Part A.

Reference no: EM132409360

Questions Cloud

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What is the importance of understanding cultural differences : What is the importance of understanding cultural differences when negotiating with people in another country
HRM304 Coaching and Mentoring - Assignment Problem : HRM304 Coaching and Mentoring Assignment Help and Solutions, Kaplan Business School, Australia-Provide a problem analysis addressing Bondi Brewing Cos situation
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Design an empirical investigation : Design an empirical investigation in which you perform regression analysis on data that interest you. The submission must reflect what you have learnt
Design an empirical investigation in which you perform : Develop testable hypothesis, measurement, design and analytical methods. In the submission, you'll design an empirical investigation in which you perform.


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