How will you go about finding the best person

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132014892

As a Melbourne-based HR Manager for a MNC company headquartered in Australia, The organisation is in the process of diversifying and opening up a new subsidiary in Shanghai, China and you have been tasked with recruiting an Operations Manager for the new Shanghai operation.

How will you go about finding the best person, what characteristics would you be looking for to ensure success and how would you prepare them for their new assignment?

Reference no: EM132014892

Questions Cloud

Managed in planning for innovation : What are the key resources that must be managed in planning for innovation? How is the mix of the resources different for product and process innovation?
Do you think this will still be the case a decade from now : Because of an abundance of cheap labor, China has been called "the workshop of the world." Do you think this will still be the case a decade from now?
Design a customer service job : What measures can an employer take to design a customer service job to make it both efficient for the company and motivating for the employee?
What this means and turns to you for advice : Jeremy Knowital is unsure what this means and turns to you for advice. Don't let him down.
How will you go about finding the best person : How will you go about finding the best person, what characteristics would you be looking for to ensure success and how would you prepare them for their new.
Calculate the required rate of return on security : Calculate the required rate of return on a security with a beta of 1.23.
Advantage of information gathered by weather-prediction : How can individual farmers use the four steps in the control process to take advantage of information gathered by weather-prediction technology?
Weather-prediction technology : From a financial performance perspective, what measures can farmers use to determine if weather-prediction technology should be part of their overall business
Determine incentive pay using different methods : You are the HR manager of a relatively new retail company that has both retail stores and Internet sales. Your company is steadily growing in revenue.


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