How will news affect the financial performance of walgreens

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM132425464 , Length: 4

Write a paper with the following information. This should be approximately 2.5 to 4 pages long (no more than 4 pages). See grading rubricPreview the document for details on grading approach. Organization (use headers for each section), writing (spelling, grammar) as well as content are key.

In a recent assignment you were required to calculate ratios for Walgreens and CVS and then explain them individually and in comparison.

Now I want you to take this a step further but looking at recent news of Walgreens and CVS and provide me the following information;

Question 1: what is the current (last 6 months) business news regarding Walgreens (new products, partnerships, divestitures, regulation, products offered,etc). Anything that would affect is earnings, cash flow, capital.

Question 2: How will this news affect the financial performance/outlook of Walgreens?

Question 3: what ratios for Walgreens might be affected and why (NO NEED to calculate the ratios, just name the relevant ratios (no more than 3) and explain why they apply to your analysis of the news and how it affects the company's financial performance).

Question 4: what is the current (last 6 months) business news regarding CVS (new products, partnerships, divestitures, regulation, etc). Anything that would affect the company's earnings, cash flow, capital.

Question 5: How will this news affect the financial performance/outlook of CVS?

Question 6: What ratios for CVS might be affected and why (DO NOT calculate the ratios, just name the relevant ratios (no more than 3) and explain why they apply to your analysis of the news and how it affects the company's financial performance).

Question 7: Based on this news, where do the two companies compete? How might this affect their financial results?

You must reference where you got the news from (a simple reference like a web address is fine).

This must be written like a research paper - no bullet points. I want complete paragraphs and headers for each section (I suggest a section for Walgreens and a section for CVS).

Reference no: EM132425464

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