How will connect with voters of specific socioeconomic

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM132842799

Imagine that you have just been hired to be the campaign manager for an individual who is running for a Senate seat in your state, and your candidate expects you to hit the ground running by developing a political campaign plan. While you will not be expected to develop a full plan for the purposes of this course, you will begin thinking about how your campaign would handle the media and public opinion polls. This very basic plan will consist of the following sections:

Discussion 1: Strategic Summary: In this section, you will discuss the goals of your campaign, and you will describe the campaign's strategy for winning the election, including how you will utilize the media and public opinion polls during your campaign. Describe how the media influences the public and the impact that polling has on politics.

Discussion 2: Targeting: In this section, you will discuss which voters you will need to target in order to win the election. How will you connect with voters of specific socioeconomic statuses and/or voters of certain cultures and backgrounds? How are voting practices and political participation affected by culture, background, and socioeconomic status?

Reference no: EM132842799

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