How to manage project obstacles and risks

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Reference no: EM133092768 , Length: word count:450

HRM 517 Managing Human Resource Projects - Strayer University

Activity: Keeping the Project on Course


It is now important to consider how to manage project obstacles and risks. Being able to continue the progression of a project is important in the face of unpredictable conditions in the internal and external environment of an organization.

Use the following resource to complete this activity:

Project Management Case Studies.

Read the case study, "The Trophy Case," pages 243-245.


Write a 1-2 page paper in which you:

1. Discuss or critique whether the project was planned correctly.

2. Discuss whether management was committed to the project.

3. Discuss whether or not fostering more cooperation was within the scope of the project.
   Is it possible or even desirable, when doing strategic planning for project management, to include ways to improve cooperation and working relationships? Or is this beyond the scope of strategic planning for project management?

4. Examine actions that could have been taken to get the project back on track.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).

SWS formatting is a must

Reference no: EM133092768

Questions Cloud

Conduct a brainstorming session : Describe the main steps or phases that you would use to prepare for and conduct a brainstorming session.
Identify the factor that has forced employers : Identify the factor that has forced employers to monitor workers to ensure compliance with the corporate information technology usage policy.
How much depreciation recapture does super study have : The building was sold for $96,000 on January 3, 2019, when its adjusted basis was $38,000. How much Section 1250 depreciation recapture does Super Study have
Labor market characterized by short-term contracts : Which is the idea that people do not work as permanent employees for one employer but instead work in a labor market characterized by short-term contracts
How to manage project obstacles and risks : Keeping the Project on Course - Discuss or critique whether the project was planned correctly and Discuss whether management was committed to the project
Find the present value and amount of an annuity : Find the present value and amount of an annuity of P2,500 payable at the beginning of each 3 months whose term is 7 years
Possible consequences of failing to adequately ensure drugs : What are five possible consequences of failing to adequately ensure drugs, equipment etc are stored securely at all times?
Conduct a work flow analysis : If employees have time for cyberloafing does that mean that they need more work to do? Should managers conduct a work flow analysis? What are some options?
Evaluating websites : What person or organization sponsors the site? Does the site give both sides of any controversial issues? How current is the information?


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