How the context of business is changing

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM131976602

Assessment 2: Group assignment Marketing strategy development

Formatting: Report and please ensure that the report includes page numbers on each page.

Submission: On due date submit in a single hardcopy report to library with FULL safe assign report and the Holmes Institute Cover Sheet attached.

Requirement: This assignment requires your group to undertake the process of analysing one organisation and its operating environments from a marketing perspective. And then apply the learning from lecture 1-9 in the development of marketing strategy. You will provide an overview of this organisation, as well as detail the type of orientation towards marketing it takes. You are also required to examine and analyse the context and environments in which this organisation operates (its industry and the macro-environmental forces impacting on the industry).

Instructions The report must address the following issues:

Please note: It is recommended that you follow the outline presented below and answer each question as it is presented.

Issue 1: Provide a brief description of this organisation and the industry to which it belongs. You may also want to include in this description any mission statements, value statements or ‘slogans' that this organisation utilizes to communicate its purpose. In describing this organisation, please also identify its orientation towards marketing and provide relevant, detailed and factual supporting evidence to substantiate why you have identified this specific orientation. Finally, include a brief description of the product(s) this organisation offers the market. And comment on what role the brand has in this organisation's marketing strategy.

Issue 2: Analyse each of the 5Cs for this organisation:

a. Company - what are the strengths and key resources, what are some of the weaknesses? What are the opportunities and threats?

b. Customers - who is the company serving and what type of behaviour is ‘typical' from them?

c. Collaborators - describe their suppliers, distributors or other partners that help the company to deliver their products to the market? If company doesn't have any - explain why it is not necessary.

d. Competitors - who are the current main competitors, are there any potential new threats or new entrants to the marketplace?

e. Context - what other factors affect this organisation (e.g., legal, political, technological, etc.)?

Issue 3: How does the firm go about collecting information (e.g., market research, market intelligence, etc.) about the 5Cs? For example, how does it learn about? HI5004 MARKETING MANAGEMENT 6

a. What customers want?

b. Which competitors pose a threat?

c. How the context of business is changing, if at all?

d. What role collaborators play in the process?

Issue 4: Developing marketing strategy. Based on the market analyses, outline potential market segments that are available to the chosen organisation. Recommend and justify: - a choice of target market(/s) - a value proposition for the target market(/s). - a positioning statement for the target market(/s).

Issue 5: Developing marketing tactics. Recommend and justify a detailed marketing mix (4-7Ps) to support the marketing strategy described in Issue 4.

In all cases, please remember to justify your argument(s) in this assignment by explaining and providing reasoned arguments for why you have formed your views. Please ensure that you support your arguments by explicitly applying and drawing insights and conclusions from relevant marketing models, concepts and theory covered in the course to date. Do not simply rely on offering personal conjecture or opinions

Reference no: EM131976602

Questions Cloud

What is one strategy you could apply to your economic life : what is one strategy you could apply to your economic life at home? Discuss how we can use this information to encourage our own economic growth.
What would you like to do in the future : Consider your audience. Who do think will be reading this information? Consider what is important to the reader and emphasize those points.
Bank required by law to report to potential borrowers : What interest rate is the bank required by law to report to potential borrowers?
How would you help the risk of damage : What kind of disadvantages could you see with the bundling for transportation? How would you help the risk of damage?
How the context of business is changing : Which competitors pose a threat? How the context of business is changing, if at all? What role collaborators play in the process?
Account value-what if you wait ten years before contributing : What if you wait 10 years before contributing? What will your account be worth when you retire in 45 years?
Provide a balanced equation for the combustion of octane : Provide a balanced equation for the combustion of octane with oxygen to obtain carbon dioxide and water. what is the mole ratio of carbon dioxide to octane?
How do the results of research studies advance or impede : Why it is appropriate to provide the theoretical foundation for your problem statement? How does a theoretical foundation specifically link to the problem.
Presents a collection of financial management concepts : Summarizes and presents a collection of financial management concepts, strategies and methods; applicable to case financial position, needs and challenges.


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