How probability sampling techniques could provide samples

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Reference no: EM132049538

Question: Discussion Points:

1. Create a survey of 5 questions with the following 5 level scale: Strongly Agree, Agree, Uncertain, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. Your questions must revolve around your topic. Make sure the questions are generic and not personal. Post your survey for your peers.

2. Survey Research: Generally speaking, what are some advantages and disadvantages to doing survey research? Provide an example where the use of surveys (in-person, self report, etc) might be a good idea?

3. Sampling. Describe how probability sampling techniques could provide samples more representative of a target population than simple random sampling. Illustrate your answer with a information technology example.

4. What are the activities involved in conducting a qualitative research design (note read your textbook and complement with further research to address this question)?

5. What are the activities involved in conducting a quantitative research design (note read your textbook and complement with further research to address this question)?

6. There are three very important elements to every research design that must be considered: Validity, Reliability, and Generalizability. What do these three terms mean and why are they so important? You SHOULD consider these when developing your own design.

7. Summarize the IRB Student Research Policy

Graduate Student Research Requiring an IRB:

Because most graduate level projects are very time sensitive, graduate students are encouraged to begin their discussions with their professor about the nature of their intended research and its potential IRB review as soon as possible. Students should expect the IRB process to take at least one month. All IB applications MUST have instructor approval. All IRB applicants are required to complete CITI IRB training prior to submitting their applications. Research will not be approved until the training requirements are met. Documentation of training must be provided to the IRB Office with all new applications or renewals.

Please make a mental note of the information below:

Will your capstone research involve collecting data from human subjects, such as surveys, interviews, or focus groups? If so, you will need to submit an application to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to conducting this research.

Learn how to complete the IRB application successfully by accessing the ClearPath learning app, "IRB Application Package Tutorial." To access this tutorial, activate your ClearPath account from the ClearPath tab on your Ecampus page. Once you are in ClearPath, click on "Add a Goal" and choose the tutorial from the list of learning modules.

Reference no: EM132049538

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How probability sampling techniques could provide samples : Sampling. Describe how probability sampling techniques could provide samples more representative of a target population than simple random sampling.
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