How much say do you think a team member should have

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133263517

Question 1: Can you think of any teams that don't require clear, challenging goals, a team identity, and designated roles? Explain your answer using clear and specific examples.

Question 2: Can a team identity be established that doesn't conform to the team leader's preference? If yes or no, please describe.

How much say do you think a team member should have when roles are designated? Should this be the exclusive choice of team leader? Why or why not?

Question 3: Why is information overload such a problem when we have labor-saving technologies such as personal computers to process huge quantities of data? What strategies do you use when processing information on your social media platforms or internet searches? How effective are they and what frustrations or successes do you experience in employing these strategies?

Question 4: Why are collective inferential errors more likely when issues are emotionally charged? Provide an example that occurred in the media recently? E.g. Here is a short article on the protests in Iran centering on the deaths of two women and one woman's experience of being arrested by the morality police, put under house arrest, stripped of her Iranian citizenship and returned to the United States :

Question 5: If cohesiveness is a positive small group attribute, why can it lead to groupthink? In what instances can groupthink be positive and when can it be negative?

Reference no: EM133263517

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