How globalization has impacted the corporate culture

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132476148

Question: Discuss how globalization has impacted the corporate culture in an organization where you have worked or know about. Identify the role of HR in building culture.

Your discussion is to be submitted in 12-point Times New Roman font using APA format.

You must have a minimum of two sources to support your response to the question. You must also have a minimum of two intext citation of your sources, in addition to listing the sources at the end of your post. Cite the author and the date within the text of your post. Failure to have intext citation of sources will result in a 3 point penalty.

Reference no: EM132476148

Questions Cloud

Discuss a major event in labor history : Discuss a major event in labor history that has had "carryover" to the modern practice of HR? [As an example, the Knights of Labor (KOL) promoted many ideas.
Write your suggestion to create performance appraisal system : What role does such a system have in distorting performance appraisals? Write your suggestions/opinions to create better performance appraisal system.
Should an organization recruit outside candidates : Should an organization recruit outside candidates or promote internally? Thoroughly discuss the Pro's and Con's of both approaches to employee recruitment.
How your research project would benefit by the construction : Explain how your research project would benefit by the construction of a theory or theories and how this will help improve the quality of your work.
How globalization has impacted the corporate culture : Discuss how globalization has impacted the corporate culture in an organization where you have worked or know about. Identify the role of HR in building.
How the agency responded to a possible violation : Post a description of the agency you chose. Next, explain how this agency addresses the issues of ethics training in relation to maintaining appropriate.
How a needs assessment would benefit the issue : Post a description of the issue you selected. Explain how a needs assessment would benefit this issue and contribute to social change.
Evaluate the effectiveness of a particular program : Human and social services professionals are both consumers and producers of research. While having a thorough understanding of the meaning of research.
How you will embrace and implement benchmarking : Based on the concepts of successful benchmarking described in the article, describe how you will embrace, adopt, and implement benchmarking for your coding.


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