How can tight standards have a positive effect on behavior

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131697633

Assignment: Standards and Behavior

Miller Manufacturing makes several different products for the mountain biking enthusiast. In an extremely competitive market, Miller has assumed a strong position by stressing cost control. Several years ago, the company implemented a standard cost system based on practical standards that were considered fair and reasonable by both managers and line workers.

Last month, Miller hired Kate Daniel as its new controller. After a brief review of operations, Kate has decided to make some changes. She reviewed materials and labor standards, and believes they need to be revised. She has indicated to other managers that workers need to be better motivated and that tighter labor standards will provide that motivation.

Yesterday, Kate presented each departmental manager with a new annual budget based on the new standards. There was little discussion; however, one cost accountant mentioned that the new standards appeared to be quite a bit tighter than the old ones.


? Describe any negative behaviors that managers and line workers may exhibit as a result of the tightening of the standards.
? Can Kate take any actions to mitigate the negative behaviors you have identified?
? How can tight standards have a positive effect on employees' behavior?
? Who should have participated in the setting of the new standards? How would their participation have improved the process?

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The Unit 3 Assignment must be prepared using a single Word document. The document must be prepared using APA, 6e formatting requirements, including a Title Page. All analysis must be properly supported using independent sources. An appropriate number of citations must be included in the body of the analysis. A reference page must be included.

The Assignment must contain no fewer than 2 full pages of properly formatted analysis, and no more than 4 pages. Do not use over-sized type, large margins or any other format devices to increase the page length artificially. Also, be sure to include appropriate headings and subheadings in the analysis for proper organization and transition of thought.

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Reference no: EM131697633

Questions Cloud

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How can tight standards have a positive effect on behavior : How can tight standards have a positive effect on employees' behavior? Who should have participated in the setting of the new standards?
Present the journal entries to record the cash receipt : Present the journal entries on May 31 to record (a) the cash receipt from the deficient partner(s) and (b) the final disbursement of cash to the partners
Should the company accept or reject the order : Consider the new information on activity costs associated with the layoff. Should the company accept or reject the order? Provide supporting computations.
Present the journal entries to record the cash receipt : Present the journal entries on May 31 to record (a) the cash receipt from the deficient partner(s) and (b) the final disbursement of cash to the partners
Should the company accept or reject the order : Consider the new information on activity costs associated with the layoff. Should the company accept or reject the order? Provide supporting computations.


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