An opportunity to reflect on their personal leadership style

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131523020 , Length: word count : 1400

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their personal leadership styles at the beginning of the class, as a basis for class learning.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment

Take the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment.

Create a 1,400-word analysis based on the assessment, text, video, and any other information you wish including:

Explain how you view your strengths and weaknesses, along with a development plan to address both.

Be specific, and explain your rationale based on the text and video, with cited evidence.

You will use this assignment as a reference for the assignments in Weeks 2-6. You will be required to take the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment listed in the Resources.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131523020

Questions Cloud

Write method called setgoal that increments the value by one : Write a class called NumberOfGoals that represents the total number of goals scored by a football team. The NumberOfGoals class should contain a single integer.
University of phoenix material-risk project log : Resource: Risk Breakdown Structure from Part I and University of Phoenix Material: Risk Project Log
Developing a cybersecurity strategy : Describe the role of planning when developing a cybersecurity strategy and what key deliverables would ensure an effective implementation
Write a class called bitvalue that represents binary digits : Write a class called BitValue that represents binary digits that can be set to true or false. Create a driver class called Bits whose main method instantiates.
An opportunity to reflect on their personal leadership style : Explain how you view your strengths and weaknesses, along with a development plan to address both.An opportunity to reflect on their personal leadership style.
Mechanism design for e-procurement auctions : In a three- to four-page paper (in addition to the cover and reference pages that you must include), write a summary of this study and its findings.
Define a constructor to accept and initialize instance data : Write a class called Dog that contains instance data that represents the dog's name and age. Define the Dog constructor to accept and initialize instance data.
Explain what would you have done differently interm of scope : Based on feedback throughout the course, what would you have done differently in terms of scope, resources, and / or schedule, and why?
Contract administration and vendor management : What is the difference between contract administration and vendor management? Why is it important for project managers to play a significant role?


Write a Review

HR Management Questions & Answers

  Discuss the components of flexible or cafeteria benefit

explain the components of a flexible or cafeteria benefit plan. discuss the hurdles that must be overcome before such

  Evaluate five functions of human resource management

Evaluate three to five functions of human resource management in terms of their level of support to the health care field, and then select which one you believe is the primary function in furthering the health care field.

  Increasing employee understanding of company

increasing employee understanding of company proceduresjulie watkins has worked in her new position writing software

  Implications for for businesses hiring

Does it depend on the kind of substance? For example, should addiction to controlled substances such as alcohol or tobacco be viewed differently under the law (for disability purposes) than addiction to illegal substances? What are the implication..

  Examine the core legal requirements

Propose two methods an HR professional could use to determine incentive pay. Specify the principal manner in which the proposed methods take into consideration individual, group, and company performance. Justify your response.

  Design a hr succession plan for a health care organization

Research and design a Human Resources Succession plan for a health care organization.You need to support your work with at least 4 academic or professional peer-reviewed sources published within the past 5 years.

  Write down the standard first in the style of the

suppose that you are the writer of a new standard. pick a familiar hazard and write a two- or three-sentence paragraph

  Responsibilities of human resource management profession

During the past 50+ years, the responsibilities of the human resource management profession have changed.  Based on the provided resources (and others you might wish to use), share your thoughts about:

  Propose a solution that will relieve friction in company age

Imagine that you work for a company with an age diverse workforce. You have baby boomers working with millenials. Their backgrounds are different, and how they view work is different. This is causing some friction within the workforce. Before the ..

  Explain how training effectiveness is measured

Identify the kinds of training the organization provides for employees. Include company-wide training, such as orientation and harassment, as well as training that is unique to this organization, such as forklift training and ERP system training.

  What succession planning process will you use

What are the critical knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) of that position? Will you select, train, or both for these KSAs? How will you ensure your selected successor does not leave the firm?

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