Health care professionals empower

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133106041

Globally, populations are growing, people are living longer, and the number of the elderly in every society is growing annually. In the United States, the older population is not only growing but highly heterogeneous and complex. Structural, economic, and health inequalities affect healthy aging differently for different groups in society. Government, policymakers, and planners are addressing these issues to plan effectively for the aging population. Understanding factors contributing to structural, socio-economic, and health inequalities in the United States is essential for gerontology counselors.

Assignment Details

  • Explain sources of structural, economic, and health inequalities among older people in the United States.
  • Discuss how health care professionals empower and promote quality of life for the aging.
  • Identify groups in the United States who are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of aging and explain why they are.

Reference no: EM133106041

Questions Cloud

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Health care professionals empower : Globally, populations are growing, people are living longer, and the number of the elderly in every society is growing annually. In the United States, the older
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Intelligence cycle oversimplifies intelligence process : Some people within the federal government argue that the intelligence cycle oversimplifies the intelligence process.


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