Greatest take-away from data mining concepts

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132994674

What do you feel are the most important concepts about Data Mining at this stage of your education?

What is your greatest take-away from data mining concepts?

Share any aha moments?

Share any areas that are still fuzzy?

Reference no: EM132994674

Questions Cloud

Describe why these two techniques would be useful : -Describe why these two techniques would be useful in your expected future interventions.
What is the company return on marketing investment : What is the company's return on marketing investment? If a company averages 4% sales growth and it runs a $10,000 campaign for a month
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Greatest take-away from data mining concepts : What do you feel are the most important concepts about Data Mining at this stage of your education?
Should standard reports always be run with same parameters : Should standard reports always be run with the same parameters? Everyone-brainstorm why this is the case?
Highlighting the salient role and benefits : Describe each of the following, while highlighting the salient role and benefits each offer within interactive media: discussion boards, social news, and Q&
What were sales the month : If sales last month were $187,000, what were sales this month? Washila calculated that the kitchen shop she manages had a decrease of 21.5%
Development of environmental management systems : A hypothetical company located in the Asia Pacific region is an integrated wood industry company which manages over 800,000 hectares of natural forest and 50,00


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