Function working properly toward customer satisfaction

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132824378

1. select a customer want (from the ones you identified in the value chain exercise) then mention the value chain function(s) you consider directly relates to the satisfaction of that customer want (in order words, the critical function(s) that will impact the most on the customer want),

2. Evaluate how that function(s) is currently affecting the satisfaction of the customer want. Is the function working properly toward customer satisfaction?

3. finally, identify which one(s) of the improvement actions suggested by you (if any) is intended to improve the value chain function to satisfy that customer want. If there is no improvement action (from the ones mentioned by you) to satisfy the customer want then, Is there something to be modified in the function in order to improve customer satisfaction? What to do?

Attachment:- Chapter 9.rar

Attachment:- Business Implementation.rar

Reference no: EM132824378

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