Formulate convincing arguments-one in support of assertion

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM131487015

Business Ethics

The often-cited economist, Milton Friedman (1962), argued that "few trends could so thoroughly undermine the very foundation of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as possible" (pp. 133-134). Friedman's influence has been far reaching in the fields of business and economics, and it is important to understand in terms of the evolution of CSR.


Address the following in a well-written paper:

• Formulate two convincing arguments-one in support of Friedman's assertion and one against it.

• Research two organizations-one that exemplifies Friedman's exhortation for companies to focus only on stockholder wealth, and one that believes CSR is an integral part of an organization's competitive advantage and success. Compare and contrast the two organizations.

• Provide three examples of organizations that show how Friedman's admonition above, if taken literally, could be used to legitimize otherwise unethical behavior.

Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length, not counting the required title and references pages. Your entire paper, including in-text citations and references, must conform to the APA. . Include at least three scholarly references that are not required or recommended readings for this course, in addition to the course textbook.

References: Friedman, M. (1962). Capitalism and freedom. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Reference no: EM131487015

Questions Cloud

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Critique the given approach as per requirement : In 2010, a newspaper interviewed a money manager who claimed the mantle of a fundamental investor. He laid out his investment philosophy: He "seeks companies.
Biggest challenges and opportunities : What are the biggest challenges and opportunities that exist for managers as they strive to orchestrate employee teamwork & streamlined cooperation?
Formulate convincing arguments-one in support of assertion : Address the following in a well-written paper: Formulate two convincing arguments-one in support of Friedman's assertion and one against it.
Think about the term conflict : Think about the term conflict and what it means to you. For the first part of this assignment, determine 10 - 20 different words or phrases
Calculate the value of the equity at the end of given year : A Discounted Cash Flow Valuation (Easy) At the end of2012, you forecast the following cash flows (in millions) for a firm with net debt of $759 million.
Provide a brief overview of the selected ted talk : as the information accurate? Can it be verified? Are sources of information included? ExplainIs the source (and information) written recently?
History of the sustainability movement : In the Third Chapter of his book, Andrew Savitz gives an overview of the history of the sustainability movement in American business.


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