Focused on mother teresa and her leadership style

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132315941

In Weeks 1 and 3, you focused on a Mother Teresa and her leadership style, ethics, moral intelligence, credibility, principles, power, and beliefs. You also assessed the effect Mother Teresa had on the culture and ethics of the organization. Now, it is time to take what you have learned in those areas and apply it in self-reflection.

Analyze your own principles, values, beliefs, and behaviors, citing examples and research to support your assessment.

What are your fundamental principles (e.g., four universal principles)?

What are your core values?

What are your beliefs about people in organizations, people outside organizations, power, processes/policies, and profit?

In what ways do your behaviors align (or don't align) to your principles, values, and beliefs?

From research, choose two leadership theories that you most relate to in terms of your own leadership. Provide a substantive synthesis of each leadership theory, including primary authors or researchers, the major points of each theory, and the similarities and differences between the two theories.

Analyze your leadership in relation to each of the two leadership theories, discussing how your principles, values, beliefs, and behaviors align (or don't align) with each of the theories.

Compare your own leadership qualities with that of the leader you used in Weeks 1 and 3. Where are you similar to that leader and where are you different from that leader? Use examples and research to support your assessment.

Using examples and research, justify at least three key insights from your study that you can use to enhance the ethical aspects of your leadership influence.

Submissions Details :

Submit your 6 page document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Use APA format for your document.

Reference no: EM132315941

Questions Cloud

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What will happen to ATP production : What will happen to ATP production, the proton gradient, and the pH of the various mitochondrial compartments
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Focused on mother teresa and her leadership style : You focused on a Mother Teresa and her leadership style, ethics, moral intelligence, credibility, principles, power, and beliefs. What are your core values?
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Describe the Glycerol-3-Phosphate Shuttle : TCA cycle - Using diagrams where appropriate, describe the Glycerol-3-Phosphate Shuttle


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