Find the mean and variance of the given data

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM1320165

The number of people in a car that crosses a certain bridge is represented by the random variable X, which has a mean value μX = 2.7, and a variance σ2X = 1.2. The toll on the bridge is $3.00 per car plus $ .50 per person in the car. The mean and variance of the total amount of money that is collected from a car that crosses the bridge are:

a) Mean = $1.35, variance = $ .30.

b) Mean = $8.60, variance = $ .30.

c) Mean = $8.60, variance = $ .60.

d) Mean = $4.35, variance = $3.30.

e) Mean = $4.35, variance = $ .30.

Reference no: EM1320165

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