Find out about your company''s forecasting system

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132027

Quantitative analysis decision making

Question 1- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of two Time-Series Analyses. Present examples of where the advantage and disadvantage might occur in your workplace. What role does Time Series play in forecasting?

Question 2- Search the Internet and the articles database in the library for a real-life example of forecasting of interest to you. For a hint, type the word "forecasting" followed by a topic of interest to you. Carefully read the search item to understand the context, forecasting methods used, complexities involved the forecast accuracy, and related issues. Alternatively, if you have access at work; find out more about your company's forecasting system.

Reference no: EM132027

Questions Cloud

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Describing the purpose of database an its functionality : Describing the purpose of database an its functionality, plus a detailed E-R diagram.
The total inventory holding cost for the plan : The total inventory holding cost for the plan
Find out about your company''s forecasting system : Find out about your company's forecasting system
Design and implement a small and simple email server : Design and implement a small and simple email server
Traditional view of business responsibility : Traditional View of Business Responsibility
Formulate a reasonable investment policy statement : Formulate a reasonable Investment Policy Statement
Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix : Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix


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Applied Statistics Questions & Answers

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What assumptions about the number of pedestrians passing the location in an hour are necessary for your hypothesis test to be valid?

  Calculate the maximum reduction in the standard deviation

Calculate the maximum reduction in the standard deviation

  Calculate the expected value, variance, and standard deviati

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  Unemployment survey

Find a statistics study on Unemployment and explain the five-step process of the study.

  Statistical studies

Locate the original poll, summarize the poling procedure (background on how information was gathered), the sample surveyed.

  Evaluate the expected value of the total number of sales

Evaluate the expected value of the total number of sales

  Statistic project

Identify sample, population, sampling frame (if applicable), and response rate (if applicable). Describe sampling technique (if applicable) or experimental design

  Simple data analysis and comparison

Write a report on simple data analysis and comparison.

  Analyze the processed data in statistical survey

Analyze the processed data in Statistical survey.

  What is the probability

Find the probability of given case.

  Frequency distribution

Accepting Manipulation or Manipulating

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