Federal sentencing guidelines

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133028606

Question 1. Since 1998, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has been strongly recommending that all health care organizations adopt 7-part compliance programs. The enactment of the 2010 health reform law (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) changed that in a very significant way. What was the change?

Question 2. What is the connection between the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and the OIG Compliance Program Guidance's?

Question 3. What are the 7 basic components of a now mandatory compliance program? (Being familiar with these components is essential - especially on an interview for a compliance position!)

Question 4. Describe three attributes of the position of the Compliance Officer in an organization.

Question 5. Identify five functions performed by the Compliance Officer.

Question 6. There are four steps to follow when an organization learns of possible non-compliance. What are they?


Reference no: EM133028606

Questions Cloud

Training and development : What is a systematic assessment? Does it provide any advantages over other types of assessments?
Healthcare program-policy evaluation analysis : Describe the healthcare program or policy outcomes. How was the success of the program or policy measured?
Describe quality of communication : Describe the quality of communication in the scenario. Describe the type of conflict illustrated in the scenario.
Global health comparison matrix-plan for social change : Review the World Health Organization's (WHO) global health agenda and select one global health issue to focus on for this Assignment.
Federal sentencing guidelines : What is the connection between the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and the OIG Compliance Program Guidance's?
Significant underlying causes of disparity : What you think are most significant underlying causes of this disparity (health behaviors, social determinants) and how you think disparity can be ameliorated?
Developing relationship with literature : You have had many opportunities for reflection, analysis, and consideration regarding how literature affects the world and you individually.
Software-based security : Do you think there are security issues with hardware too, or software-based security (anti-malware, monitoring, etc.) is enough?
Advertisements with strong nonverbal messages : Find at least two advertisements with strong nonverbal messages from newspapers, magazines and/or social media.


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