Explain the psychometric properties in detail

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Reference no: EM132014907

Question: Test Review: Cognitive Abilities

Complete a 4-5 page test review on an assessment instrument designed to measure cognitive abilities, achievement, or intelligence. The following provides an outline of a test review:

1. General Features: Includes title, author, publisher, date published, age ranges and other relevant demographics for the individuals it is used for, and time required for administration.

2. Description of Test: Includes what the test attempts to measure, who the test is intended to be used with (i.e. age range, and other factors specific to that standardized instrument), basic principles and/or theories upon which the test is based, and any other special characteristics of the test.

3. Psychometric Properties: Includes reliability (test-retest, internal consistency, etc.), validity (content, criterion, construct), normative data (standardization group demographic characteristics), and scores (overall test/composite scores available, averages, and their ranges).

4. Discussion of Items: Since you will not have access to the actual test manuals themselves, this area should include a general overview of the behaviors or thoughts sampled (depression, anxiety, verbal comprehension, mathematical reasoning, etc.), how it is administered, overview of test items (e.g., format and types), and ease and nature of scoring (are the items scored objectively or subjectively).

5. Issues/Concerns: Describe any ethical, legal, or other issues related to the test administration, scoring, or usage of results. Identify and explain any demographic categories that may be correlates to the ability tested. Remember to include information on possible bias!

6. Summary: Includes strengths, weaknesses, and a general evaluation of the test.

This must be on different for the one that you selected for your Discussion Question responses. Information for the test review can be found in various ways, including the test publisher's website, journal articles from research search engines (ProQuest, Psych. Info, etc.), and articles or presentations found online. The recommended readings for this week include resources that might be useful in finding test information. The textbook also has some information on the various types of instruments. Be sure to cite all sources appropriately and include a title and references page. The paper should be in APA format.

Reference no: EM132014907

Questions Cloud

Review that positive false memories would be acceptable : Would you say convincing someone of positive false memories would be acceptable? Or is any false convincing of memories a negative thing?
What is the ethical dilemma : What is/are the ethical dilemma(s)? Is/are the ethical issue(s) faced by a leader, followers, or society in general?
What are the primary predictions of the model : Define the leadership and situation factors included in Fiedler's Contingency Model. What are the primary predictions of the model?
Average days of accounts receivable : Average days of accounts receivable, the average daily cost of sales, the average days of inventory, and Cash to cash cycle time.
Explain the psychometric properties in detail : Psychometric Properties: Includes reliability (test-retest, internal consistency, etc.), validity (content, criterion, construct), normative data.
High involvement organization : What kind of person would enjoy working in a learning organization rather than a high involvement organization?
How can an organization optimize supply chain management : Describe the difference between a supply that is responsive (service) and a supply chain that is efficient. Can a supply chain be both?
What is your best guess as to the rate of return on stock : If the market return this year turns out to be 6 percentage points below expectations, what is your best guess as to the rate of return on the stock?
Reap functional rewards for organizations : Evaluate how stimulating conflict can be used to reap functional rewards for organizations. Use examples to support your reasoning.


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