Explain the pockets route density concept

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132299714

1. Describe the three components of TPS and their importance.

2. In reference to Amazon vs UPS and Fedex.

Explain the "pockets' route density concept and why it's critical to any delivery business success.

3. What are 5 distinct differences Amazon from UPS and FedEx.

4. Amazon as with other ecommerce retailers struggle with cross border solutions and continue to be country specific operations. Why is this?

Reference no: EM132299714

Questions Cloud

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Amazons customer service rankings are far superior : Amazons customer service rankings are far superior to UPS and FedEx
The retailer expects an extrememly high service level : The retailer expects an extrememly high service level for delivery's to its Customers, Customer commitment is 2 day delivery.
Discuss the responsibilities of the employer : Discuss the responsibilities of the employer and the employee in the workplace. How might these views differ depending on the view of work held by each party?
Explain the pockets route density concept : Explain the "pockets' route density concept and why it's critical to any delivery business success.
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