Explain the concept of mercantilism

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133238006


1. Mercantilism became the adopted theory of economic growth for Britain. Explain the concept of mercantilism. Did it create rivalry among European nation states? Explain.

2. South Carolina was a proprietary colony. The constitution adopted by the leadership called for a representative government. At the same time the constitution guaranteed liberty through the creation of a hierarchical society. What does this mean? Did this attempt to create a British-style nobility succeed?

3. Look at page 108-110, Table. This is a listing of the codifying race and slavery. Explain the provisions to prevent "Negro Insurrection" 1680. Even free blacks were denied rights. Explain 1723 codes.

4. In the section titled, "The Rights of Englishmen", the authors outline the colonist view and the British view of self-government. In Part I of your respones, Describe the colonist view and the British view. In Part II, would this divergence of views eventually cause a revolution?

5. Witchcraft became dominant in 1692 Massachusetts. In the context of strain and anxiety, the backwater Village of Salem Massachusetts went about systematically rooting out suspected which's. How many people were jailed? How many were executed? Who was the minister that took over the church and stopped the trials? (You will have to Google this one).

6. Please go to page 120. Look at the map of Colonial North America. This map shows the location of English, French and Spanish colonies in 1720. The early history of the Louisiana Colony was similar to the British colony at Jamestown. The first settlers of both colonies were mostly soldiers. List two similarities and one difference between these two colonies.

Reference no: EM133238006

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