Explain the causes of the french revolution

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132628931

Instructions: Use the material in your French Revolution Learning Materials Module, the EBook Chapter 16, and the Reign of Terror Reading to complete this assignment.

Explain the causes of the French Revolution.

Why did Louis XVI call a meeting of the Estates-General in May 1789? Why did a debate over voting occur in the Estates General?

Why was the National Assembly created? Briefly explain the significance of the Tennis Court Oath. Did the members of the Estates General have the right to make such demands? Why or why not?

Explain the significance of each of the following events: the Fall of the Bastille, the Great Fear, and the Women's march to Versailles.

What were the initial goals of the Revolutionaries? Explain whether or not the ideas of "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity" were truly represented by the newly governing bodies of the National Assembly and the Legislative Assembly.

Why did a war in Europe breakout among France, Austria, and Prussia in 1792? Why were French armies failing by August of 1792?

The Reign of Terror Reading: All answers may be found in the reading except for question number 10

Explain what happened to France following the execution of King Louis XVI.

What were the main causes of the Reign of Terror?

Look at sources 1-5 and at the information on the Committee of Public Safety. Do you think the system of Tribunals in France was fair? Explain why, giving examples from each source.

Explain how De-Christianization was implemented during the French Revolution? What changes were made? Use your French Revolution Reign of Terror PPT

How and why do you think the Terror came to an end? Was Robespierre to blame for the Terror? Explain From the Reign of Terror Reading.

Reference no: EM132628931

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