Exerting the strongest effect

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131836988

QUESTION 1: In the fasted state, which hormone is the most likely to be exerting the strongest effect?

  1. GLUT 4
  2. Glucagon
  3. Insulin
  4. Testosterone

QUESTION 2: In the fasted state of which of the following processes is/are working to maintain plasma glucose concentration?

  1. Glycolysis
  2. Glycogenolysis
  3. Gluconeogenesis
  4. Lipolysis
  5. Glycogenesis

QUESTION 3: Which of the following statement/s about glucose homeostasis is/are correct? 

  1. In the fed state, GLUT 2 transporters are inserted into the cell membrane of skeletal muscle cells via endocytosis.
  2. In the fasted state, glucose moves into the plasma from hepatocytes because there is a higher glucose concentration in hepatocytes duye to gluconeogenesis.
  3. When plasma glucose concentration gets low, fatty acids are oxidised to form ketones to provide the brain with energy.
  4. Glucagon increases cells to increase glucose uptake, thus lowering plasma glucose concentration after a meal.

QUESTION 4: Which of the following statements about exercise are correct?

  1. During high intensity exercise, there is an increase in fat oxidation as this system has the highest capacity.
  2. During prolonged exercise, increased catecholamine release directly causes a decrease in lipolysis.
  3. During a bout of sprint exercise, there is a large reliance on phosphocreatine because this is a powerful energy system that can generate ATP at a fast rate.
  4. Free fatty acids from adipose tissue do not appear in the blood stream at the same rate as they are broken down during a prolonged bout of exercise due to blood flow being redirected from adipose tissue.
  5. During prolonged exercise, there is a decrease in GLUT4 translocation to skeletal muscle cell membrane as the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated.

Reference no: EM131836988

Questions Cloud

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