Examine the effect that you think the class could have

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Reference no: EM132676796

Assignment: Instructions: As we learned in Week 1, there is a difference between being educated and simply trained. The purpose of education is not only to determine what someone can do, but also what kind of person they become as a result of their education. Studies in the humanities will advance the communication skills, empathy, self-awareness, judgment, and professionalism of students, and they help students with becoming skilled at the social and cultural context of working with people.

In addition, studying the humanities can help students in the following ways:

• Literature can introduce students to life situations with which they may not be familiar.

• Drama can teach oral communication.

• Philosophy can teach skills of analysis and argument.

• Art, literature, drama. and music are expressions of human creativity, and taking part in some form of artistic activity, either as reader or viewer, is part of what makes us human.

For this assignment, choose a work of art that made an impression on you during this course. Then, address the following:

• Include an image of or link to the work.

• Identify the artist, the title, date completed, and the medium.

• Explain how learning about the work will help you in your life and career. Consider the context in which the work was created and the meaning of the work.

• Explain how one or more specific disciplines (literature, drama, philosophy, art, music) influenced you.

• Examine the effect that you think this class could have on your career and personal life.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

• Length: 2-2.5 pages (not including title page or references page)

• 1-inch margins

• Double spaced

• 12-point Times New Roman font

• Title page

• References page (minimum of 1 scholarly source)

Reference no: EM132676796

Questions Cloud

How your thinking has changed about nursing research : Reflect back over your time in the course and describe how your thinking has changed about nursing research and evidence-based practice; describe one new.
Describe the types of simulations used in nursing education : Explore at least two types of simulations used in nursing education. What are the strengths and limitations of each for both the instructors and the students?
Define different strategies to communicate with leadership : Would you provide different information and use different strategies to communicate with leadership vs bedside RNs? Please describe.
Which of the stressors are positive and which are negative : What actual and potential stressors threaten the family? Which stressors are positive, and which are negative? Separate the actual and potential stressors.
Examine the effect that you think the class could have : Explain how one or more specific disciplines (literature, drama, philosophy, art, music) influenced you. Examine the effect that you think this class could.
Discusses the basis for the quandary : The article discusses the basis for this quandary, providing examples of the real-world impact it has on diagnosis-seeking and treatment decision-making.
Recommending an evidence-based practice change : The collection of evidence is an activity that occurs with an endgame in mind. For example, law enforcement professionals collect evidence to support.
Describe approach used at unique setting to address problem : Describe one approach used at your unique setting to address this problem. From your perspective, is this intervention effective in addressing the problem?
Explain how nursing practice has changed over time : Explain how nursing practice has changed over time and how this evolution has changed the scope of practice and the approach to treating the individual.


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