Evaluate the obligations of the hr manager

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131793012

Assignment: Case Analysis

Analyze the following situation:

Martha has worked for John for two years. About 6 months ago, John asked Martha out to dinner. They had a good time together and agreed that they had some real interests in common outside of work. The pair dated for two months. Martha initially liked John, but he was beginning to get annoying. John called her all the time, was very pushy about her seeing him, and wanted to control all aspects of her life, both at work and at home. Martha decided to call it off. When she told John that she did not want to see him personally anymore, he went crazy on her. He told her she would be sorry and that he would see to it that she regretted it.

John began to make life miserable for Martha at work. She suddenly started to get poor performance evaluations after two years of exemplary reviews. Even the managers above John were beginning to make comments about her poor attitude. Martha decided it was time to act. She was worried she would be fired, all because John wanted her to continue to date him. She loved her job and knew she did quality work. She made an appointment with the HR manager.

Using the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1991, and the two basic types of sexual harassment as described in our lecture (quid pro quo and hostile work environment), assess the type of sexual harassment Martha is experiencing.

Evaluate the obligations of the HR manager once Martha reports her concerns. If the HR manager investigates and finds Martha is telling the truth, what steps should be taken to comply with the EEOC? How does HRM offer an affirmative defense and prevail in a lawsuit.

Analyze the likelihood that John would be found guilty of sexually harassing Martha. If found in Martha's favor, what should the HR manager do to remedy the situation within the workplace?

Submission Details:

Submit your report in a 4 to 5-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.

Reference no: EM131793012

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