Evaluate the key corporate social responsibility

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132867016

Evaluate the key Corporate Social Responsibility related issues that you think a newly internationalised company, like TAKIMAKI should focus on when planning to internationalise to the country you selected in your first assignment. For your answer use relevant frameworks to help you to analyse the key CSR related factors and focus on practical issues (with a special focus on social innovation), backed up with real-life examples from the relevant country. Based on your research give practical advice to TAKIMAKI on the next steps to take in terms of their CSR activities in the selected country.

Reference no: EM132867016

Questions Cloud

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What kind of advantages can you get from increasing sales : What kind of advantages can you get from increasing sales? Other than bussiness growth, what are some other important advantahes from increasing sales.
Evaluate the key corporate social responsibility : Evaluate the key Corporate Social Responsibility related issues that you think a newly internationalised company, like TAKIMAKI should focus on when planning
Describe what emotional intelligence is : Describe what emotional intelligence is and the skills that are associated with an emotionally intelligent individual.
International values and the hofstede dimensions : What do managers need to do differently when communicating with employees from the country you selected as opposed to U.S. employees?
Accrual accounting system : What contrasts are there between what is shown in cash flow statements and the need for firms to borrow at high rates and firms' income statements?
Monitor improvements after they have been implemented : Why is it important to monitor improvements after they have been implemented? Why is it important to spot check, as well?


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