Enterprise or systemic risk

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM1333453

Another of your clients is the son of the CEO of a local bank. He just took over for his dad who recently had a heart attack. He came from role as CEO of a large manufacturing company and is new to the banking industry. He has received instructions from his Board of Directors, to make sure he has established adequate reserves against potential losses.

He came to you and asked that you describe the banks liabilities and equity accounts a commercial bank typically has, and has asked for a written report on the following topics:

- What are the typical major asset and liability categories on a bank's balance sheet; comment on the debt to equity level as compared to other corporate balance sheets you may have viewed?

- How exactly does a bank establish its reserve levels why does a bank care about these required reserve levels?

- Do most banks keep only the required reserves? Why?

- Knowing that changing reserve requirements can impact the bank's profitability, describe what could happen to potential profitability if $10,000 is deposited in a banks savings account.?The reserve requirement was 5% yesterday but the Fed changes it to 10% today, when the deposit happens to be made.?The bank regularly pays 3% on savings account deposits and charges 12% on loans.

Reference no: EM1333453

Questions Cloud

Explain functions of human resource management : What are the functions of human resource management and What is the most important function of human resource management? Explain your answer and provide a workplace example to support your response.
Define some data are calculated as functions : Some data are calculated as functions. When will you store data in database and when would you use functions? What is the advantage of storing data in database.
Elucidate how these economic concepts can be used : Elucidate how these economic concepts can be used to address the firm's problems and opportunities.
Goals of using the statistical method : What are the goals of using the statistical method? Explain how the method is important in the field of business statistics.
Enterprise or systemic risk : What are the typical major asset and liability categories on a bank's balance sheet; comment on debt to equity level as compared to other corporate balance sheets you might have viewed?
Description of the steps performed for each the steps : The objective of this assignment to is make multiple backups of databases and then to restore the databases from the backups you've created.
Define negotiation : Define negotiation
Infectious disease association : How would I make the case that the Infectious Disease Association of America has market power?
Challenges for human resource management : What are some future trends and challenges for human resource management and What can HR do to support the organization's strategies for growth and quality? How can technology improve HR decisions


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