Discussing a workable plan to improve the emotional skills

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Reference no: EM132645742

Question: Develop a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper discussing a workable plan to improve the emotional skills and competencies of people in one of the team member's place of employment.

There is a great deal of material to use for this assignment in the supplemental readings for the course.

Teams that use this material score better than teams that don't.

Worksite Development Team Presentation

Prepare a 10- to 15-minute Microsoft PowerPoint presentation giving an overview of the content in your paper using 8- to 10 slides and speaker notes.

Reference no: EM132645742

Questions Cloud

Qualitative vs quantitative : Quantitative data can be measured and documented with numbers. Additionally, quantitative data can be represented as quantities.
Should purchase hayden stock : If the market risk premium is 6% and the risk-free rate is 3%, should you purchase Hayden's stock? Why or Why not? Show by comparing the current selling price.
Discuss how the instrument is scored : Identify the data sources or instrumentation for each of the variables in your study. Justify the use of each data source or instrument in your study.
Calculate expected return and standard deviation for stock : You are comparing stock A to stock B. Calculate expected return and standard deviation for each stock, and base your choice on return/risk characteristics.
Discussing a workable plan to improve the emotional skills : Develop a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper discussing a workable plan to improve the emotional skills and competencies of people in one of the team member's place.
Differences between policies-procedures-standards : Many organizations don't understand the differences between policies, procedures, standards and guidelines.
How do calculate the covariance returns : How do calculate the covariance between the returns of Stock A and Stock B. For convenience, assume that the expected returns of Stock A
Organization and cyber security plan : Research a company or organization and their Cyber Security Plan to address these below issues.
Completing spring pre-registration : Draw Activity Diagram showing the actions and events involved with student completing spring 2021 pre-registration for courses to attend a local public school


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