Discuss the three components of a circulatory system

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1389779

  1. Discuss the three components of a circulatory system?
  2. In a ___________________circulatory system there is no distinction between blood and interstitial fluid and this is generally called hemolymph
  3. In a __________________circulatory system blood is confined to vessels and distinct from interstitial fluid.
  4. The ______________________is the closed circulatory system in humans.
  5. The 3 main typers blood vessels are ______________, ________________, ____________________
  6. Arteries carry blood ________________________from the heart.
  7. Veins carry blood ______________________to the heart
  8. Arteries and veins are distinguished by _________________________, not _________________________
  9. The ________________________circulation with a 2 chambered heart is found in fish, sharks and rays.
  10. ___________________________circulation is found in, reptiles and mammal blood flows thorough a pulmonary circuit where O2 poor blood flows to lungs to pick up oxygen.
  11. In amphibians, O2 poor blood flows through a pulmocutaneous circuit to pick up O2 through the lings and skin.
  12. Frogs and other amphibians, reptiles excluding birds have a _________chambered heart consisting of 2 atria and 1 ventricle.
  13. Birds and Mammals have a ______chamber heart with 2 atria and 2 ventricles
  14. Beginning in the right ventricle trace blood flow back to the right atria. O2 poor blood (right ventricle, pulmonary artery, lungs) O2 rich blood (pulmonary vein, left atrium, left ventricle, Aorta, body organs) O2 poor blood (Superior and inferior Vena Cava, Right Atrium, Right ventricle.
  15. _________________is the number of beats per minute
  16. _________________is the amount of blood in a single contraction
  17. _________________is the volume of blood pumped into systemic circulation per minute and depends on both ______________________ and _______________________
  18. The ______________________node is the pacemaker of the heart.
  19. The pacemaker is regulated by which 2 portions of the nervous system?
  20. _______________________speeds up the pacemaker
  21. ________________________slows down the pacemaker
  22. Blood pressure is the pressure that blood exerts against ___________________when it is flowing
  23. Blood pressure is measured as ______________________over________________________
  24. ________________________is the pressure in the arteries during ventricular contraction.
  25. Ventricular contraction is called________________________
  26. Ventricular relaxation is called_________________________
  27. ________________________is the pressure in the arteries during ventricular relaxation
  28. Blood pressure is determined by ___________________and_______________________
  29. ___________________________is due to constriction of arterioles.
  30. _______________________is the contraction of smooth muscles in arteriole walls and increase blood pressure
  31. _______________________is the dilation of smooth muscle in arteriole walls and lowers blood pressure.
  32. Normal blood pressure for a healthy 20 year old at rest is __________mm Hg over _________mm Hg.
  33. Fainting is caused by_______________________________
  34. What are the 2 mechanism that regulate distribution of blood in capillary beds.
  35. Blood flow is regulated by ____________________, _______________________, ______________________
  36. Fluid that leaks out of the capillary beds is called _______________and indirectly reenters the circulation via the _________________________system
  37. Lymph nodes are organs that play an important role in the body's __________________________
  38. ____________________________is swelling caused by disruptions in the flow of lymph.
  39. Blood plasma is ____________% water?
  40. Plasma also contains electrolytes, and plasma proteins.
  41. 2 main types of cells in blood are_________________________ and _____________________________
  42. __________________________are cellular fragments contained in blood and function in clotting.
  43. __________________________are the most numerous type of cell in the blood.
  44. Erythrocytes contain ___________________________ which binds and transports oxygen to the tissues and then carries CO2 back to the lungs.
  45. What are the 5 major types of Leukocytes?
  46. A__________________________is a blood clot that forms within a blood vessel that can block bold flow.
  47. Erythrocytes, Leukocytes and Platelets are all formed in the red bone marrow from a common stem cell.
  48. The Hormone ________________________-stimulates stem cells to differentiate into erythrocytes when O2 levels and O2 delivery are low.
  49. Cardiovascular diseases account for more than_______% of deaths in the US
  50. _________________________delivers cholesterol to cells for membrane production
  51. _________________________scavenges cholesterol for return to the liver.
  52. Risk for heart disease rises with a higher ___________to____________ratio.
  53. _________________________is caused by the buildup of plaque deposits within the arteries.
  54. _________________________is the death of cardiac muscle tissue resulting from blockage of 1 or more coronary arteries.
  55. _________________________is death of nervous tissue int eh brain resulting from rupture or blockage of arteries in the head.
  56. Partial blockage of the coronary arteries can result in chest pain called_________________________
  57. High blood pressure called______________________________promotes atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and can ______________________the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke.
  58. A gas diffuses from an area of a _____________partial pressure to an area of a ______________partial pressure
  59. Obtaining O2 from water requires more or less efficiency than from air?
  60. Respiratory surfaces vary by animal and can include the_______________________, ______________________, _______________________, ________________________, and __________________________
  61. Fish use a _________________________________exchange system where blood flows in opposite direction to water passing over the gills where the blood is always less saturated with O2 than the water it meets.
  62. The size and complexity of the animals lungs correlate with the animals ___________________________
  63. The purpose of the circulatory system is to transport gasses between the ______________and_______________
  64. Trace air flow into the lungs ( Nose and Mouth, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles to Alveoli where gas exchange occurs.
  65. __________ and ______________line the airway to carry particles up to the pharynx to be swallowed or spit out.
  66. The process that ventilates the lugs is called______________________
  67. Amphibians breath through_________________________________breathing
  68. Birds have 8 or 9 air sacs that function as bellows that keep air flowing through the lungs.
  69. Mammals ventilate the lungs through ______________________________________breathing.
  70. Lung volume __________________ as the diaphragm contracts.
  71. In humans breathing is controlled by breathing centers in the brain. They are in the regions of the __________________________ and _______________
  72. Secondary control over breathing is from O2 and CO2 sensors in the _____________ and___________________
  73. CO2 produced during cellular respiration lowers blood pH and decreases the affinity of hemoglobin for 02. This is called the ______________shift.
  74. CO2 is carried back to the lungs either on ____________________ or as part of a ____________________ion.

Reference no: EM1389779

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