Discuss the concept of parent company guarantee

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM131760384


review the article "Corporate Governance and Market Performance of Parent Firms Following Equity Carve-Out" and watch the video Parent Company Guarantees, Kirsty Barnes - ThinkHouse September 2011.

Identify and research an organization that fits into the definition of a corporate parent. (Humana Inc.)

Describe three types of opportunities through which the organization could add value beyond the sum of its separate businesses.

Discuss the concept of parent company guarantee as it relates to your chosen company. Use two additional sources . - APA, 2 pages , single line - NOT a paper like an Essays / Discussion

Pearce J. A. and Robinson R. B. (2011). Strategic Management: Formulation, implementation and control. (12ed). New York. McGraw-Hill.

Reference no: EM131760384

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