Discuss specific types of standard business models

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133256183


1. Does Etsy have a standard or disruptive business model? Discusses specific types of standard business models (p. 126) and specific types of disruptive business models (pp. 127 - 130). Clearly identify Etsy's type of business model and explain your answer.

2. Create list of Esty's "stakeholders"? Explain why you think each one is a stakeholder.

3. How does Etsy create, deliver, and capture value for these stakeholders? Be as specific as possible.

4. Etsy's mission is to "re-imagine commerce in ways that build a more fulfilling and lasting world". Do you think Etsy's current business model achieves this mission? Do you have ideas for new ways it can achieve this mission?

Reference no: EM133256183

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