Digital signal processing: iir filters

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM13983

Q1 Filter function form is y = myfilter(x,b,a) where x is input, y is output and a and b are the IIR and FIR coefficients.

In the transfer function, the matrix "a" indicates the denominator coefficients and the matrix "b" is numerator coefficients.

I use command "global buffer;" to set a global variable as the shift buffer.

For a second order IIR filter, the transfer function is like:

362_IIR and FIR coefficients.png

Where w0 is stopband filter frequency, r is the stopband width.

1629_IIR and FIR coefficients1.png

The signal flow diagram is:

From the diagram, I work out the function in Matlab:

When the output is figured out, the input is set to buffer(1) and the buffer(1) becomes buffer(2).


I use the command "load ('1104111.txt')" to load my ecg file. The signal minus 2048 to make it range from -2048mV to +2048mV.

And plot the original signal.

669_IIR and FIR coefficients2.png

To eliminate the 50Hz hum, so I make w0=2*pi*50/fs; r refers to the width of the stopband. And the closer r goes to 1, the more narrow is the stopband. I choose r=0.93.

Because it is a second order filter so the buffer contains 2 components.

To define the buffer in advance, I use the command of "global buffer;buffer=zeros(2,1);"

The coefficients a and b are:
b1=1; b2=-2*cos(w0); b3=1;
a1=1; a2=-2*r*cos(w0); a3=r^2;
b=[b1,b2,b3]; a=[a1,a2,a3];

Then a loop is used for filtering the whole signal.
for k=1:l

Plot the result.

300_IIR and FIR coefficients3.png


In this section, the steps are similar with the Q2.
To eliminate the DC component, w0=0;
The other steps are almost same as the Q2.
The result is plotted as:

1982_IIR and FIR coefficients4.png

At last, to check the PQRST peaks, zoom in the plot

856_IIR and FIR coefficients5.png

Reference no: EM13983

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