Difference between plan-project and program

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133016133

What's the difference between Plan, project and program?

Reference no: EM133016133

Questions Cloud

How do external environmental factors affect international : How do external environmental factors affect international CSR?
Correct null hypothesis and correct alternative hypothesis : The owner of a flourmill is concerned that new machinery is not filing bags correctly. The bags are supposed to have a population mean weight of 500 grams. A ra
How would being professional be beneficial to career : How would being professional be beneficial to career advancement?
How has your understanding of the topic deepened : Reflect on how this new way of thinking about Quantitative data compares with other people's viewpoints? How do their viewpoints influence or change your thinki
Difference between plan-project and program : What's the difference between Plan, project and program?
New way of thinking about quantitative data : Reflect on how this new way of thinking about Quantitative data compares with other people's viewpoints. How do their viewpoints influence or change your thinki
How does a digital techniques used in the link : How does a digital techniques used in the link below work compare to traditional art mediums? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
What is international trade : 1. What is international trade?
Percentage of crimes are equivalent : The statistical descriptive terms crime rate of 1000 and percentage of crimes are equivalent. (hint: by equivalent they have the same formula and meaning).


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