Determining the portfolio beta

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM1310583

Q1) Assume real rate is 2.65% and nominal rate is 14.3%. Solve for the inflation rate. Assume real rate is= 5.88% and inflation rate is= 7%. Solve for the nominal rate.

Q2) You have observed the returns given below on ABC's stocks over the last 5 years: 4.7%, 8.9%, -8.6%, 12.3%, -2.9% Determine arithmetic average returns on stock over this 5-year period.

Q3) Assume a stock had the initial price of= $94.23 per share, paid dividend of $4.8 per share in the year, and had the ending share price of= $82.22. If you own 142 shares, what are the dollar returns?

Q4) You own the portfolio invested= 27.03% in Stock A, 16.48% in Stock B, 14.48% in Stock C, and remainder in Stock D. Beta of these 4 stocks are 0.76, 1.08, 0.66, and 1.1. Determine the portfolio beta?

Reference no: EM1310583

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