Describes contingency approaches

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM134488

Question 1

Throughout the Partnership Building stage of the dyadic approach:


  • leader dyads are created across levels and boundaries.
  • leaders can reach out to create a positive exchange with every subordinate.
  • leaders' behaviors and traits have different impacts on individuals.
  • leadership is not individualized for each subordinate.

Question 2

Which of the subsequent BEST describes contingency approaches?


  • Contingency approaches are leadership styles that seek to delineate the characteristics of situations.
  • Contingency approaches are leadership styles appropriate for one situation which may not work in another.
  • Contingency approaches are leadership traits or behaviors that can improve performance in all situations.
  • Contingency approaches are both leadership styles that seek to delineate the characteristics of situations and leadership styles appropriate for one situation which may not work in another.

Question 3

The Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) includes the concepts of motivation, responsibility as well as the creation of a team in which decision making is expected of everyone. This is an instance of


  • participative leadership.
  • achievement-oriented leadership.
  • the delegating style.
  • neutralizers.

Question 4

The job-centered leader focuses on


  • accomplishing tasks.
  • the human needs of their subordinates.
  • efficiency.
  • both accomplishing tasks and efficiency.

Question 5

Kinko's, a nationwide copy center with many locations, managers have limited personal interaction with their employees. This is an instance of:


  • achievement-oriented leadership.
  • path-goal theory.
  • a substitute for leadership.
  • a neutralizer.

Question 6

Recent studies have observed how substitutes (the situation) can be designed-


  • to have less impact than leader behaviors on outcomes.
  • to have the same impact as leader behaviors on outcomes.
  • to have more impact than leader behaviors on outcomes.
  • to have no impact on outcomes.

Question 7

The Leadership Continuum by Tannenbaum as well as Schmidt suggests that leaders should be boss-centered or subordinate-centered depending on-

  • organizational circumstances.
  • the skill level of the employees.
  • the self-confidence, creativity, and energy of the leader.
  • both organizational circumstances and the skill level of the employees.

Question 8

According to Fiedler, in circumstances of High Task-Low Relationship the leader's style must be the


  • authoritative style.
  • delegating style.
  • achievement style.
  • supportive style.

Question 9

What is the level of group members' knowledge as well as expertise in relation to the problem? This analytic question refers to the:


  • importance of commitment.
  • likelihood of commitment.
  • goal expertise.
  • team competence.

Question 10

Path clarification incomes that the leader works with subordinates-


  • to learn the behaviors that lead to task accomplishment.
  • to help them identify behaviors for task accomplishment.
  • to increase relationship skills to be better team members.
  • both to learn the behaviours that lead to task achievement and to help them identify behaviors for task accomplishment.

Question 11

Chapter 2 Case Study- Consolidated Products Read the case study as well as answer the following three questions.

1. Associate the leadership traits as well as behaviors of Ben Samuels as well as Phil Jones.

2. Which leader do you think is more effective? Why? Which leader would you prefer to work for?

3. If you were Phil Jones' boss what would you do now?

Your response must be at least 200 words in length. You are obligatory to use at least your textbook as a source material for your response. All sources used including the textbook essential be referenced paraphrased as well as quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Question 12

Chapter 3 Case Study: "Finance Department (p. 94 of the textbook) Read the case study and answer the following three questions.

1. Why had Osborne's department been so successful even though he has provided little leadership over the past two years?

2. How would you describe Osborne's current leadership style? Based on the path-goal theory, which style do you think he might most effectively use to turn things around with Larry Gibson?

3. If you were in Osborne's position, describe how you would evaluate the situation and handle the problem.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as a source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Reference no: EM134488

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