Describe your decision and the dangers of that decision

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131753799

Discussion: "Reform"

Respond to the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:

Compare Erasmus and Luther in their attempts to bring about religious reform. Consider the role of the printing press and the actions of German princes in helping Luther to succeed. Next, identify one example of the Protestant Reformation's impact on visual arts. Pretend you are in a company or some other group in which you feel there is corruption. (Use a real incident if you wish). You have the option of remaining and working for reform from within, or of leaving and hoping to start or land something new. Describe your decision and the "dangers" of that decision, and describe the factors that you had to consider.

Reference no: EM131753799

Questions Cloud

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Identify two outside sources to support your discussion : Identify at least two outside sources to support your discussion. Please keep in mind that Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference.
Describe your decision and the dangers of that decision : Explore heading as the basis of your response: Describe your decision and the dangers of that decision, and describe the factors that you had to consider.
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