Company gatorade needs to regard and utilize mavens

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131753798

1. Discuss how the company Gatorade needs to regard and utilize Mavens, Opinion Leaders and Affiliation.(400-500 words)

2. Visit the websites of companies with known world-class service cultures (such as Ritz-Carlton, FedEx, Starbucks, or Zappos). How does the information conveyed on the website reinforce the company’s service culture?

Subject Services Marketing

Reference no: EM131753798

Questions Cloud

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Identify two outside sources to support your discussion : Identify at least two outside sources to support your discussion. Please keep in mind that Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference.
Describe your decision and the dangers of that decision : Explore heading as the basis of your response: Describe your decision and the dangers of that decision, and describe the factors that you had to consider.
Company gatorade needs to regard and utilize mavens : Discuss how the company Gatorade needs to regard and utilize Mavens, Opinion Leaders and Affiliation.
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Identify the types of communication tools : Hershey's released a line of spreads. Identify the types of communication tools they used to get the word out about their new product.


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