Describe the shareholder equity of a sole proprietor

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Reference no: EM132312410 , Length: word count:2000

Corporate Accounting Assignment - Business Report

Unit Learning Outcomes -

1- Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and theoretical frameworks of Company Accounting with Accounting standards.

2- Explain the purpose, content, format and practical applications of the requirements pertaining to a range of key areas of corporate accounting practices..

3- Analyse and interpret issues relating to accounting for companies.

4- Develop and critically analyse the contextual and theoretical aspects of accounting for groups.

5- Implement the accounting standards of Corporate accounting for Share capital, Leases and company tax.

6- Apply the accounting standards for group of entities, Business combination and consolidation.

7- Apply the Principle of Fair value cash flow statement and Impairment Loss.

Assessment Task: Business reports are practical learning tasks where students apply the theories they have been studying to real world situations. The students are required to select a topic or work on a topic provided by the lecturer, collect information (Primary and/or secondary) or work on the information provided by the lecturer, and prepare a report describing a business problem or incident.

ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION: This assessment is designed to assess the students' ability to research and analyse accounting standards, and interpret how to apply relate corporate accounting concepts to various scenarios. It evaluates students' problem solving and researching skills and enables them to communicate the financial affairs of a company. The assignment is consist of 2 sections; the theory section which assesses the researching skills and case study section with complex calculations which allows the students to apply relevant accounting standards to the real life case.

Part A: A short essay about the following: Describe the shareholder's equity of a sole proprietor, partnership and company.

Part B: Provide all calculations and related journal entries for the following case: Gali Ltd has determined that its fine china division is a CGU. The carrying amounts of the assets at 30 June 2015 are as follows:


Carrying Amount











Total CA



Gali Ltd calculated the value in use of the division to be:


If the fair value less costs of disposal of the Factory is:


Required - Prepare the journal entry(ies) for any impairment loss occurring at 30 June 2015 including supporting calculations.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132312410

Questions Cloud

Identify and critically analyse the stakeholders : identify and critically analyse the stakeholders involved and how they contribute to the project complexity - scope of the project and the changes took place
Describe budget deficit and budget surplus : (a) Describe fiscal policy. (b) Describe budget deficit and budget surplus.
Give a definition of business cycle : (a) Give a definition of business cycle. (b) Describe the four phases of the business cycle
How does walras treatment of scarcity : How does Walras's treatment of scarcity in relation to value compare with that of the Classical economists (Smith, Ricardo, Marx)?
Describe the shareholder equity of a sole proprietor : BO1COAC318 Corporate Accounting Kent Institute Australia. Describe the shareholder's equity of a sole proprietor, partnership and company
Certain level of technology readiness : GDP per capita $8600, this nation has achieved a certain level of technology readiness. Which stage of development is this nation in?
What is the power of the fed : What is the Power of the Fed? How does the Fed influence the US and world's economies? Do we want the Fed to be independent or to be influenced by politic.
How many employees will they need to hire : With the additional employee, the Franks can accept three additional children. Should the Franks hire the additional employee? Show your detailed calculations
Define aggregate demand : (a) Define aggregate demand (b) Describe the four components of aggregate demand



5/27/2019 3:51:16 AM

Length/Duration: 2000 words. MARKING GUIDE (RUBRIC): Good level Distinguished: well developed demonstrates good understanding (8 marks) Good level Distinguished: well developed demonstrates good understanding (8 marks) Good level Distinguished: well developed demonstrates good understanding (20 marks) Good level Distinguished: well developed demonstrates good understanding (20 marks) Good level Distinguished: well developed demonstrates good understanding (15 marks) Assignments should usually incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion, and will be fully referenced including a reference list.

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