Describe the potential benefits for the issuer

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM132467571

Assignment: You are a finance employee at a financial institution, specializing in originating auto loans in a country where auto loans have only been available for 2 years. Your group has just been informed that a close competitor has securitized $150 million in auto loans through an investment bank.

1. Your boss wants to understand why the competitor did this. Explain.

2. He also wants to understand the potential benefits for the following:

• The issuer

• The investors buying the ABS

• The individual borrowers seeking auto loans

3. He also wants to know the likely impact to the auto loan market in this country if a large, liquid ABS market emerges over the next few years.

Reference no: EM132467571

Questions Cloud

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Discuss premium for impact on environment and human health : Why might a company choose not to advertise about its sustainability efforts? Are there any advantages from a public relations standpoint of not telling?
Describe the potential benefits for the issuer : You are a finance employee at a financial institution, specializing in originating auto loans in a country where auto loans have only been available for 2 years
Determine what the overriding trends are for the product : Determine What the overriding trends are for the product? In what type of country is the product doing well or poorly and presumably why.
Explain product in a manner appropriate for a retail client : The successful submission will clearly and concisely explain the product in a manner appropriate for a retail client who is intelligent but not experienced.
Would you recommend that the fed reduce the money supply : Given our current economy, would you recommend that the Fed reduce the money supply and raise interest rates, or expand the money supply and lower interest.
What is the fee structure for the checking account : What is the fee structure for the checking account? what are the feature that define each account and its price to the customer?


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