Describe the company you will be using for your project

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132024328

Question: Training Project Guidelines Interview Questions

Look particularly at the first section: Needs Analysis. For this Assignment, you need to prepare a Word document with two paragraphs:

PARAGRAPH 1: Describe the company you will be using for your project, and provide the name and contact information for the human resource director or other manager who you will be interviewing. Include an approximate date for the interview.

PARAGRAPH 2: Write a short script that includes at least FIVE interview questions you will be asking this person. Please use a signal phrase at the beginning of the paragraph to introduce your list. Number the interview questions using an ordered list.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- TrainingProjectGuidelines.rar

Reference no: EM132024328

Questions Cloud

What is the expected dividend in each of next three years : You expect the dividend to grow steadily at a rate of 4% per year. What is the expected dividend in each of the next 3 years?
Differences in public and private sectordismissal practices : In your own words, discuss the differences between public and private sector dismissal practices. To what extent are these practices impacted by collective.
Conditional use permit for day care center on property : You would like it to be changed to High Density Residential zoning with a conditional use permit for a day care center on the property. What should you do?
What is initial monthly payment in each of respective loans : What is the initial monthly payment in each of the respective loans? Compare the amount of interest which would be paid on the 30 year vs. the 15 year loan.
Describe the company you will be using for your project : Describe the company you will be using for your project, and provide the name and contact information for the human resource director or other manager.
What is the break-even exchange rate : What is the break-even exchange rate? What is the maximum amount they could realize if the exchange rate moves against them?
What is the annual deposit required : What is the annual deposit required, if interest rate is 10%?
Assuming that pricing is by no-arbitrage model : How much should Cherie expect to pay for the desired option, assuming that pricing is by a no-arbitrage model?
What is initial monthly payment in each of respective loans : What is the initial monthly payment in each of the respective loans? What would the outstanding balance of the 15 year fixed loan be after 5 years?


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