Define the elements of service using the service hierarchy

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM131793269

Services Marketing Group Presentation Assignment


You are a marketing consultant and are tasked with conducting a Services marketing strategic analysis of a service of your choice.

Your group can choose any possible service client of their choice. Some examples include retail services, professional services, financial services, Tourism and hospitality services, and health services (Maximum 4 members depending on class size).

  • Select a service business and define the elements of the service using the service hierarchy (core, facilitating and supplementary)
  • Describe your service business using intangibility, perishability, simultaneity and heterogeneity
  • Conduct an in-depth investigation and analysis of the organisation's current service marketing mix and the 7 Ps of services and provide analysis of existing strategies. Ensure you apply Services Marketing theory and concepts learnt in class.
  • Provide appropriate services marketing recommendations for improvement and propose new service marketing mix strategies.
  • You must ensure you offer coverage of every P of services and ensure you are conducting your analysis on a service client and NOT A PRODUCT.

Some important considerations

  • No more than 20 minutes with a 10-15-minute presentation and 5-10 min Q & A.
  • Visual content of slides & multimedia content is expected
  • All group members must present and be involved
  • Suggested number of slides max 10-12 to be handed in at time of presentation as well as uploaded on turnitin on the same week of presentation.
  • No shows will receive a zero mark.
  • Presentations will only be re-scheduled under extreme circumstances and special consideration cases must be advised prior to the day of the presentation, otherwise a zero mark will be recorded.
  • A minimum of 10 in-text references will be required.
  • A reference list at the end of the report and PPT also required.
  • Power point slides or wiki references are not considered credible references.

Length: 15 minutes plus 5 minutes questions (10-12 slides).

Reference no: EM131793269

Questions Cloud

Define the characteristics used by a project : When a project fails, it is often attributed to poor project management. That said, what exactly is project management, and why is it important.
Marketing strategy and implementation for zara : Recommend a two year marketing strategy and implementation for ZARA.
Responsibilities of the financial staff in a typical company : What are the main responsibilities of the financial staff in a typical company? Indicate the main areas of finance. Who generates the Financial Statements.
What is the purpose of calculating the irr : What is the purpose of calculating the internal rate of return (IRR) and the modified internal rate of return (MIRR) methods when evaluating capital investment.
Define the elements of service using the service hierarchy : MKT203 Services Marketing Group Presentation Assignment. Select a service business and define the elements of the service using the service hierarchy
Manufactures two electrical? product : The Attaran Corporation manufactures two electrical? products: portable air conditioners and portable heaters. Number of air conditioners to be produced?
What is the difference in the present value : You are scheduled to receive annual payments of $10,800 for each of the next 20 years. Your discount rate is 7 percent.
Credit union regulations require diversification to extent : Credit union regulations require diversification to the extent that at least 40?% of the investment be placed in Treasury notes.
Compute the book value per share of common stock : Compute the earnings per share. Compute the book value per share of common stock. Compute the price-earnings ratio.



1/2/2018 11:43:22 PM

My previous assignment based on Aviation Industry, please use that as in context, you need not to make it related directly, but it will be good if its based on something related. Back in mind kind of thing. Need it by 6PM. Length 15 minutes plus 5 minutes questions (10-12 slides). Tips for Working in groups: Group assessments are a great tool for learning and are used in top universities around the world. Some of the major benefits of group assessments are as follows: Promotes communication skills. Promotes and rewards teamwork and collaboration. Promotes project management skills and interdependence. Emphasizes the need for accountability. Becoming work ready. For a number of reasons group work may not work well. If this happen within your group, you should raise this issue with your Lecturer as early as possible so that steps may be taken to resolve the issue or issues. Please note students may not pass a group assessment if there is insufficient contribution.


1/2/2018 11:43:17 PM

Builds convincing argument showing how all key points are integrated together. Uses examples to elaborate the key points and theory. Engaging conclusion clearly sums up presentation and relates back to the introduction. As for level below plus able to use references to back up claims and recommendations made. Recommendations clear come from the analysis of the project. Recommendations can easily be implemented. Timelines, responsibilities and costs provided. Ideas clearly organised so audience can follow easily.


1/2/2018 11:43:08 PM

The purpose of the presentation is clear in all stages. Seamless transition between speakers. Actively involves client in presentation. Able to answer questions with full explanations and elaboration. Shows full knowledge of issues facing the client. Graphics and text well integrated into presentation. Text is appropriate for the content and room size. Visual presentation complements rather than dominates presentation. Constantly looks at audience. Shows enthusiasm for their own work and how this will help the client. All group members use a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation. Acts in a very professional manner.

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