Define the brand personality

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133296809 , Length: 3 Pages


Consumers often choose and use brands that have a brand personality consistent with their own actual self-concept, ideal self-concept, or others self-concept. Examine one of your recent purchases of a car, computer, furniture, or clothing, etc.

  1. Why did you purchase this product?
  2. Who influenced this purchase?
  3. What does this purchase say about your own self-concept ideas?
  4. What is your definition of the "brand personality" of this recent purchase--as compared to the definitions stated in the chapter by Stanford's Jennifer Aaker?

(2 to 3) pages responding to the above questions including an introduction and conclusion with reference please.

Reference no: EM133296809

Questions Cloud

Powerful idea to train better models : Ensemble technique is a very powerful idea to train better models.
Genetic algorithm to build the neural net : How could you use a GA (Genetic Algorithm) to build the neural net? ignore efficency.
Minimum accuracy of license plate recognition : Calculate the minimum accuracy of the license plate recognition if the city reduced its hedge to 40 overstays per year
Colorful image colorization : In "Colorful Image Colorization", the authors adopt a "multinomial" or categorical loss function for color prediction.
Define the brand personality : What is your definition of the "brand personality" of this recent purchase--as compared to the definitions stated in the chapter by Stanford's Jennifer Aaker?
Explain manufactures fibers have helped the fashion : Explain how manufactures fibers have helped the fashion and textile industry. give an example of a fiber and it's impacts to support your explanation?
What is the strength of the hilton honor loyalty program : What is the strength of the Hilton Honor Loyalty Program? What makes you better than other Hotels?
What pricing model can you apply to this product : What pricing model can you apply to this product? (e.g., cost-plus pricing model, break-even analysis).
Explain supermarkets to sell premium private-label brands : Explain why you agree or disagree with the decision of some supermarkets to sell "premium" private-label brands?


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