Crimes against sikhs in wake of terrorist attacks

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Reference no: EM133324032


1. The Sikh custom of wearing the kirpan and turban has led to hate crimes against Sikhs in the wake of terrorist attacks. Should Sikhs maintain this custom? Should they publicly explain this tradition? What measures can Sikhs take to maintain their traditions safely?

2. Politician John Kerry once stated that if he went to college today, he would study comparative religion. Why is the study of religion so important? How will a greater understanding of religion help shape the future of humanity?

3. Bioethics is one of the driving concerns of religion today. As new technologies allow human beings to influence biological processes (death, reproduction, treatment of disease), we experience increasing power to interfere with natural life functions. How could religious communities bring their values to help inform ethical applications of these technologies? Should discoveries made through these technologies be used to reframe or reshape religious values? please use a specific example in answering this question

4. Globalization has had positive impacts on interfaith dialogue, especially through technological innovations in communications via new Internet and mobile phone media and apps. Pick a new form of communication (e.g., Twitter) and discuss how this new medium could have a positive or negative impact on interfaith dialogue.

Reference no: EM133324032

Questions Cloud

Intellectually curious and open-minded : Consider your audience to be composed of peers who are intellectually curious and open-minded, but lacking detailed knowledge of this text.
Experiential exercises : Describe and evaluate at least two ways in which the experiential exercises
What is practice and what is self-cultivation : What is a "practice"? What is "self-cultivation"? What specific practices do Confucians and Daoists utilize to engage in self-cultivation?
Difference in religious environments that promote healing : What is the difference between religious environments that promote healing, wholeness and wellness in young people--and those that do not.
Crimes against sikhs in wake of terrorist attacks : The Sikh custom of wearing the kirpan and turban has led to hate crimes against Sikhs in the wake of terrorist attacks.
What is the main concept of chemical evolution : What is the main concept of chemical evolution? Criticize the concept of Use and Disuse theory by Lamarck.
Islamophobia is pervasive in western culture : Islamophobia is pervasive in Western culture, seemingly regardless of the specific country
Regular interaction with the west since middle ages : Islam has had regular interaction with "the West" since the Middle Ages: Greek philosophy, the Crusades, the Napoleonic Wars, secularism, etc.
Trajectory of religion and culture in historical india : The Indus and the Ganges are arguably the two great rivers of India. However, considering the larger trajectory of religion and culture in historical India,


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