Create your own motivation theory

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132880240

The Reflection paper - can be completed in 1 of 3 ways.

1. The Company Men movie - Reflection paper:

2. Fun with Dick and Jane movie - Reflection paper:

3. Option: 1, 2 or 3 listed below - Reflection Paper: 

Option Assignments: students can also complete a paper on the below topics. This paper will also be presented and discussed in a class discussion. Note: please make your assignment option early in the semester so the instructor can assign a date and time for presentation/discussion

1. MOTIVATION: Create your own motivation theory. Why do you think people do what they do? What do they really want? Why do they work? How can you get them to work? You may draw on the work of theorists or people you interview as long as you cite them.  if possible, include a graphic model showing how your theory works.

2. LEADERSHIP: Each student will read a book on Leadership and submit a book review. Give a synopsis of the book (What were the author's main points?) and a critical review (How was it? What did you learn? Would you recommend it?). In order to prevent duplication, the chosen book must be approved beforehand. If you change your mind, you must have the new book approved. Note: Books by John C. Maxwell and Fight Club and Lord of the Flies are not approved.

3. CHANGE: Managing change is the most difficult challenge in management, especially changes in culture. Why? How would you lead change? What steps would you take to implement change? How long should the process take? Read an article, a book, the chapter of a book, or describe a situation with which you are familiar. All authors must be cited.

Reference no: EM132880240

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