Create three variables of string data type

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM132084489


This assignment is designed to learn programming in VB.NET.


In Visual Studio, create a VB.NET Console Application that does the following:

Create three variables of String data type, called firstNamelastName, and fullName respectively;

Assign your first name to the variable firstName;

Assign your last name to the variable lastName;

Concatenate the variable firstName, a string containing a space (i.e., " "), the variable lastName together, and then assign the result to the variable fullName;

Display your name in the console window using the statement Console.WriteLine(fullName)

(3 marks) In Visual Studio, create a VB.NET Console Application that does the following:

Create a variable of Integer data type, called marks;

Create a variable of String data type, called grade;

Assign 88 to marks;

Convert marks into grade as follows using the Select-Case statement:

























(5) Display the values of marks and grade in the console window using the statements



(2 marks) Repeat Question 2 using the If-Then-ElseIf statement (instead of the Select-Case statement). Your output should be exactly the same as that of Question 2.

(3 marks) In Visual Studio, create a VB.NET Console Application that uses the While loop to display all leap years between 2017 and 2050. A leap year between 2017 and 2050 is a year that is an integer multiple of 4 (i.e., year Mod 4 = 0). For example, 2020 and 2040 are leap years. (Hint: you need both the While and If-Then statements.)

For each question, print the program and handwrite the output at the end of the printout of the program.

Reference no: EM132084489

Questions Cloud

How does the os manage processes : How does the OS manage processes? Be able to name five OS management activities related to processes.
Learn and use bitwise operations within a program : Can find a partner in your class so you can work together to finish the homework. You don't necessarily need to meet each other in face.
Do research and write a paper on structured analysis : Nassi-Shneiderman structure charts (yes, that's Ben Shneiderman, before he became famous for his work in HCI).
What kind of problems faced the german government : What kind of problems faced the German government between 1919 and 1925? How did the way the war ended contribute to the weakness
Create three variables of string data type : Create three variables of String data type, called firstName, lastName, and fullName respectively;
Find a plate with name rose from a stack of ten plates : Find a plate with name Rose from a stack of ten plates Private stack plates;
Explain how the great fire of london can be viewed : Explain how the Great Fire of London can be viewed as both a curse and a blessing.
The stack data structure and explore the idea of first-in : Your task is to utilize a stack collection. Your program should allow the user to add a biscuit, remove a biscuit, and print the status of the stack.
Explain the significance of the punic wars in rome : Explain the Significance of the Punic Wars in Rome. Please include such as why they were started and the consequences. I just need a brief summary of these


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