Create original job description

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133110682

The purpose of this assignment is to align HR strategic staffing goals through a job needs analysis for a position that does not currently exist.

Analysis, begin by discussing the benefits of conducting a job needs analysis. Then include the following in your analysis:

Provide an overview of the company, including identifying the organizational and HR strategic goals.

Conduct a job needs analysis to identify the positions that need to be filled.

Determine the outcome of the job needs analysis.

Identify the duties and responsibilities to outline the job specifications.

Create an original job description.

Reference no: EM133110682

Questions Cloud

Evidence-based research influenced health care research : How has evidence-based research influenced health care research? Why is it important in the health care industry?
Contractor fraud from news story : Research an example of contractor fraud from a news story, which is from a reliable news outlet.
Leadership potential and empower you to lead effectively : Being aware of your personal leadership style will help you understand your leadership potential and empower you to lead effectively.
Compensation and right to discovery : These are great points Claudia. It is very difficult to draw a clear line between compensation and the 'right' to discovery.
Create original job description : Determine the outcome of the job needs analysis. Create an original job description.
Explain by optimum currency area theorem. : Explain by Optimum Currency Area Theorem.
Identify high-profile cross-border acquisition : You will identify a high-profile cross-border acquisition of a publicly-traded target initiated by a publicly traded acquirer in the last two to three years.
About corporate environments : You have learned about corporate environments and have had the opportunity to see how the workplace has evolved with time.
Cost of capital : Bad Boys, Inc. is evaluating its cost of capital. If Bad Boys, Inc. raises capital using 30% debt, 5% preferred stock, and 65% common stock, what is Bad Boys,


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