Conflict between linda and the other housekeepers

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132409191

Case study - Can the Conflict Be Resolved?

1. What do you believe is the main cause of the conflict among the housekeepers?

a) The main cause of the conflict among the housekeepers is many housekeepers complain that Linda takes long brakes and does her school work during work time. Linda is doing her work faster than the other housekeepers so she has more time for herself. Linda is not friends with the rest of the housekeepers which makes her always be by herself and just do her work and study. She does not talk with the other housekeepers.

2. As a supervisor, should you continue to allow Linda to take longer breaks and study on the job? If you do, how will you explain your action to the other housekeepers?

a) As the supervisor, I believe it is important to let the other housekeepers know she could study during the breaks. The other housekeepers are asking that Linda

3. How can you maintain productivity and resolve the conflict between Linda and the other housekeepers?

a) To maintain productivity and resolve the conflict is it important to make all housekeepers happy and moral up.

Reference no: EM132409191

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