Compute the value of the price index for gdp

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM1334764

GDP trends

Use the following data to answer questions 1-3 (be sure to provide all calculations).

Quantities Produced Quantities Produced Prices

CDs Tennis Racquets CDs Tennis racquet's

Year 2004 110 200 18 90
Year 2005 120 210 20 95

Calculate real GDP for 2004 and 2005 using 2004 prices. By what percent did real GDP grow?
Calculate the value of the price index for GDP for 2005 using 2004 as the base year. By what percent did prices increase?
Now calculate real GDP for 2004 and 2005 using 2005 prices. By what percent did real GDP grow?
Review the GDP information for the past few years from the Bureau of Economic Analysis's Website. Provide a brief summary of the GDP trends over that timeframe and discuss two or three events which may have caused these trends.


Reference no: EM1334764

Questions Cloud

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